Two years ago, I didn’t have any habits – my life revolved around studying, scrolling through my mobile, and sleeping.
Now, I am a professional habit hopper. Every 3 to 4 months, I try to learn something new, and if I love that activity, it becomes my new habit.
One day during my internship, my supervisor asked me, “Hey Sajda, what is your hobby?” I was shocked to realize that I didn’t do anything other than coding or trying to pass university semesters. That’s when I thought, “Let’s start a hobby so that if someone asks, I can say I have one.”
I bought a book called “Atomic Habits,” and thanks to that book, I am now so into new activities that I have mastered some cool new hobbies I never imagined I would.
My current habits include reading books, mostly productivity-related – Atomic Habits and Ikigai are my favorites. I also enjoy pencil drawing and practicing left-hand writing.
My goal for next year is to learn martial arts.
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